Jochebed's Song (Solo Piano Ver.)

CCM - Jochebed's Song (Solo Piano Ver.) by Acoustic Ballad
CCM - Jochebed's Song (Solo Piano Ver.) by Acoustic Ballad
Piano 88keys
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90 days
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Song commentary

When I listened to this song and played it, the keywords that came to mind were mother's love and God's love.

I came across this song through a YouTube video that accompanied the animation'Prince of Egypt'.

In this video, there was a scene where Jochebed put baby Moses in a small reed box and spilled it into the river.

I thought that the heart of Moses' mother, Jochebed, was similar to the heart of God who sees us.

I think that God's heart for seeing us wandering in the world is like the heart of a mother who grieves at the wandering children.

I'm going to talk to you for a second.

One day when my brother was in military service, I was at home with my mother.

There was a call.

It was a call that my brother had a big accident in the military.

My mother was so surprised that she cried and spoke on the phone.

When I checked the contents of the phone, it was a fraudulent call.

I was shocked that my brother had an accident, but it was even more shocking to see my mother surprised when he heard the news of his brother.

At that time, I got to know more deeply about my mother's love for her children.

When I play this song, I think of God's heart for seeing us stumble and wander in our sins, and the heart of our mother who shed tears at the thoughts of our brothers and sisters.

I think of the heart of God who wants us to go on the right path without wandering in the world.

We hope to be one step closer to the love of God who wants to walk with us.

Channel Introduction

This is a channel where you can hear a variety of music through an acoustic piano.

This channel prefers natural acoustic sound.

I hope that the music on this channel will be a comfortable break in your life.

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Arranged by HyunJin Kang (Acoustic Ballad)

Piano Played by HyunJin Kang (Acoustic Ballad)

Filmed by DOphic