Under the shadow of God (하나님의 그늘 아래)
SeongWook Han  

SeongWook Han - Under the shadow of God (하나님의 그늘 아래) by HeavenPiano
SeongWook Han - Under the shadow of God (하나님의 그늘 아래) by HeavenPiano
Piano 88keys
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90 days
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Unfortunately, it's not included in the first album of CCM Worship Music. I made it last year, and now I'm showing this to you. So, I'm going to play a copy version for you. He played so well in the original song, so I remember working with a happy heart.

My favorite performance!

Thumbs up~


it's a high range with thick notes to be verse. However, the left bass range is also high, so it's not strong, and it's expressed very pretty. 14 bars of C#7 performance is amazing. I really like the verse.


Assuming that I was playing the piano alone, I expressed the dynamic a little more.

#Last chorus repeat

Sing the chorus quietly from 64 bars in the original song.

At this time, it's so good to play with both hands of Arpeggio. Most of the time, when I have to play quietly, I stay a lot by reducing the number of times I play, and sometimes I fill it with ad-lib lines. But sometimes you want to do it differently. In that case, it would be good to use this method. To avoid major changes in vocal range, you'll be able to catch the notes right next to keep it from changing.

The ad-lib line is restrained, leaving only a loud melody. I hope you try it this week when you're singing along.

# After the song is over

From 71 bar, a new performance begins with the end of the song. It's a method that you use a lot for accompaniment. In actual worship, not in concerts, you can speak right away or go to prayer without speaking. In this case, you can proceed I - IV/5th to leave a lingering impression of the song. I've already shown you many songs, right?

It's A key, so it's A - D/A chord.

It's simple, but it's a process and performance that the accompanists must know.

I'm trying my best to help you.

And the other thing is, when I want to raise the sound as I go back, but when I'm already at my limit... It's an easy way to increase tension.

It's disco.

In the chorus, play the first and eighth notes alternately with eight beats of octave spacing between the left hand and the left hand. It's very easy, right?

On this hot day, try disco style.

The Heaven Piano cheers for single accompaniment. Be a accompanist who enjoys heaven today~