In the blood of the Savior's cross (구주의 십자가 보혈로)
E.A.Hoffman & J.H.Stockton  

E.A.Hoffman & J.H.Stockton - In the blood of the Savior's cross (구주의 십자가 보혈로) by HeavenPiano
E.A.Hoffman & J.H.Stockton - In the blood of the Savior's cross (구주의 십자가 보혈로) by HeavenPiano
Piano 88keys
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90 days
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0:00 Revival (Straight) G(x2)-A

1:43 Re-harmonization (Shuffle) G-Ab-A

3:36 Ballad G-Ab-A

This song has no original version. Instead, I played comparing the re-harmonization version to the straight version and the shuffle version. Depending on the church, there is a tendency to prefer straight and sing fast depending on the leader, and there is a tendency to prefer shuffle so that the dance can be full. If you know the difference, you can always match both versions, so if you're an accompanist, you should know. The straight version feels like cutting with a knife that stretches straight. The shuffle version is divided into triplets (three-it notes), followed by the first two notes.

Depending on what rhythm you use, it can give you a very different feeling.

For a detailed description of the rhythm, please refer to the first and second albums of the actual accompaniment notes.

The straight version is G(x2) to A, and the key-up shuffle version and ballad version is G - Ab - A.

There's a lot of key-up. This song uses G, Ab, and A keys all well. So, I prepared a variety of things.

And in the straight version, there's a revival version from verse 2. It's filled with everything. So the video is long and the music is long... I thought a lot about it while preparing for it. Listen to it over and over again, hoping it'll help the Heaven's accompanists.