Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus (오랫동안 기다리던)
C.Wesley & R.H Prichard  

C.Wesley & R.H Prichard - Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus (오랫동안 기다리던) by HeavenPiano
C.Wesley & R.H Prichard - Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus (오랫동안 기다리던) by HeavenPiano
Piano 88keys
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90 days
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Merry Christmas!

I don't think there are many Christmas songs in the hymn, but are you always new? 

The seasonal praise is always sung during the season, so of course you should know it. I sang "Only then" and passed by, but I forgot when it came to that, even though I worked hard on it.

11 months or more of the year, no praise. More than one of them... Singing praise for more than a week.. After 10 years of accompaniment, I've only experienced it 10 times. Ah... accompanists, cheer up.. 

The biggest reason you requested a Christmas song for me~? because you wanted to play it in a pretty voice before the service." I'm guessing carefully. So, compared to the level of difficulty I've played so far, it's a little easier, but I've prepared it to play with a pretty sound.

I change the chord a little bit, so it goes like a hymn. The songs that I'm going to introduce will be like that overall. 

To tell you in advance, the song request and the song uploading may not match. I'm telling you I'm getting ready, but I can't do everything for you, so... Don't be upset even if the song request doesn't come up. It takes a long time to prepare the video and music, so I can't finish it.

There's next year, there's next year, and... Let's go for a long time...

Thank you for waiting, thank you for your support, and thank you for your prayers.

It's a pleasure to be able to prepare the Christmas together

Merry Christmas!