The accompaniment when the leader speaks - A key (인도자 멘트를 위한 BGM 반주)

HeavenPiano - The accompaniment when the leader speaks - A key (인도자 멘트를 위한 BGM 반주)
HeavenPiano - The accompaniment when the leader speaks - A key (인도자 멘트를 위한 BGM 반주)
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2020 New Year's Special!

I'm sure many of you have checked the announcement, so the video will be uploaded.

As I announced, the music sheet for this song is 100 won for 3 hours based on the time uploaded on YouTube. I'm not feeling well, so I'm not uploading videos very often. I'm sorry.

I made this video and sheet music, praying that it would be helpful for many accompanists. The video was repeated three times. I used piano only once, piano+E.P. and piano+pads for the second.

In the future, the accompaniment will look like this.

I'm going to show you that you can repeat as much as you want, and that just by changing the tone of the instrument, you can create a different atmosphere. Listen carefully and express it with the tone you want. I'm going to go into the song description. It's A-B-A' format, and the first two bars are motive. 

A and A' are 8 bar each, and B is 4 bar. A, B, A format and this is called the rehearsal mark. It's a way to divide the format of the song. I wrote it down nicely in the sheet music, so look for it. There's an alphabet in the square. What should we do when we talk longer? You can repeat it.

||: A-B-A':|| You can repeat this over and over again.

A and A' are almost the same, ||: A-B:||| You can repeat this infinitely.

On the other hand, what if the comments were short? ||: A :| You can repeat this indefinitely, or just the first two bars that are motive. Of course, you can repeat it indefinitely, or you can repeat the first two bars that are motive.

Then you can repeat the first two bars, but why did you add part B?

Some people get bored if they repeat two bars over and over again.

The comments are important, and the accompaniment is literally BGM, but for those who can't stand repetition, take your time for a while. However, if you play part B for a long time, you might end up in a difficult situation. Let's hurry up and get out of here because the atmosphere is still fresh. 

So, in this song, there are only four B parts. I've shown you so many bars in the first two bars, and as I told you, it is I - IV/5th.

If you repeat the first two bars without any changes, it's a great process. If you think you want to do something else... Don't ignore it because it's simple. There's a reason why you prefer this chord, right? 

Maintaining the A-D/A chord, which is the first two bars, is a good way to enter the intro or song right after the comment. An accompaniment is to help you sing. So, please love I - IV/5th.~

Just write a lot.~

Please keep writing.

The thing to note is, don't keep your right hand 4-beat, but stop at the third beat. Resting the fourth gourd is the key. Then, you can rest at all, whether you have a short note on your right hand, or a note on your left hand that will make the song heavier. Think of it as an effective.

It can be applied to any extent within this chord. In part A, the melody line has changed a little bit in part A. You can introduce it in A-B format, but I also want to show you how to apply it...

If you want to apply it differently, you can raise your right hand over the octave or try it differently. You can omit or add more than I did in the sheet music. voicing, ad-lib lines, all of them!

I give you an example, but I always want to apply myself the most.

Cheer up, Heaven's accompanists, including the new accompanist!

Then, see you for the second song event!

I hope you enjoy heaven today.~