The accompaniment when the leader speaks No.5 - F Key (인도자 멘트를 위한 BGM 반주)

HeavenPiano - The accompaniment when the leader speaks No.5 - F Key (인도자 멘트를 위한 BGM 반주)
HeavenPiano - The accompaniment when the leader speaks No.5 - F Key (인도자 멘트를 위한 BGM 반주)
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Hello, Heave people. 

We will continue to share the accompaniment for the introduction. This song starts at 4 notes. Don't mistake it for Bb key. The key to this song is "Upward root motion" and "Pattern." 

Part A and part B have a very simple chord process with Bb-Bb/C-Dm7. It's a root motion in which the base notes go up. I started part C with the F major chord, which is 1 note. We're going to do the upward root motion.

I wanted to show you a lot of possibilities. so I showed you parts A, B, and C.

I play only one of these parts. You can develop it from here. 

Does part A and part B sound like the same chord progress? but The performance is so different. I made a pattern by solving the A part with my right arpeggio. Part B played rhythmically. In particular, 12 bars are completely rhythmical.

I gave you a way to make changes that you want to try. If you feel uncomfortable with this part, you can play it like 10 bars. The 'A' part played the left hand in four beats. It's different from when I played Arpeggio like part A, right?

You don't have to play all the parts in the order they were presented. You can repeat one part or change the order of the parts.

Which part should I play?

In what order should we play it?

How do you want to develop it?

Shall we play a part of it?

If you'd thought about it and changed it to your own style... I hope so, too. Memorize it. Try practicing with a different key. You can refer to this and make a new one with a completely different feeling. 

I hope you have a good study.

I hope you enjoy the heaven again today~